Episode 291: Talking to acclaimed author Matt Pentz
Hi guys, long time no talk. The last time we recorded was back in November when the Seattle Sounders were getting bounced from the MLS Playoffs. Seems an awful long time ago, doesn’t it?
A lot has happened since then, including the Seattle Snowpocalypse, which kept both Likkit and Aaron from recording this week. We don’t hit on all of the news, but Jeremiah was joined by Susie Rantz to talk about the Reign moving to Tacoma, the Tacoma Defiance getting a new name, some of the roster moves and the Sounders’ preseason up until now. It’s a show packed with lots of information.
We also interviewed author Matt Pentz about his soon-to-be-released book “The Sounder and the Glory: How the Seattle Sounders showed Major League Soccer How to Win Over America” (pre order here).
We should also remind you that Yachtcon: Nights is a little more than a week away. Tickets are about 80 percent sold out, but definitely still available. We’re raising money for the Seattle Children’s Hospital Autism Center again and will be announcing guests very soon. (Buy tickets)
This week's music: "What do tigers dream of?" - Cristian Roldan, "RVIVR - "Ocean Song", Perry Como - "Seattle", RVIVR - “The Tide”, Woody Guthrie - "Roll On Columbia", "Your Journey Begins" - OurMusicBox (Jay Man) (CC BY 4.0)
Thanks to James Woollard, Sounders Public Address Announcer, for doing our sponsor reads. You can follow him on Twitter at @BritVoxUS - if you’re looking for a British Voice to advertise your business or non-profit, please reach out to him.
Want to hear the music from the show in their glorious, full versions? Check out the Nos Audietis playlist on Spotify!