Seattle Sounders FC at Austin FC: community player ratings form

The Seattle Sounders traveled to Austin and did something they haven’t done in nearly two months: win a game. Not only that, they won late, after conceding the tying goal. Not to read too much into it, but this felt more like a vintage Sounders team, not the version of the team we’ve seen for the past year. This team felt energized, dynamic, and dare I say, dangerous.

Without further ado, time to rate some guys.

Here is a direct link to the form; we hope this allows everyone to submit a response.

Here’s the scale:
(Substitutes can be left blank if the player did not play enough to judge)
1 - not a pro (USL/NASL/MLS) quality performance
4 - average USL starter
6 - average MLS starter
9 - MLS All Star
10 - MLS MVP-quality performance
