Seattle Sounders FC vs. LAFC: community player ratings form

With a 1-0 loss in the conference semifinals to LAFC, the 2023 MLS season has come to an end for the Seattle Sounders. Seattle was the stronger side throughout, creating more dangerous chances, and putting as many shots on frame as LAFC had in total. And yet, as has often been the case this season, the Sounders were undone by a clinical counter. At the other end, goalkeeper Maxime Crépeau played the match of his life.

Here is a direct link to the form; we hope this allows everyone to submit a response.

Here’s the scale:
(Substitutes can be left blank if the player did not play enough to judge)
1 - not a pro (USL/NASL/MLS) quality performance
4 - average USL starter
6 - average MLS starter
9 - MLS All Star
10 - MLS MVP-quality performance
