The Women’s World Cup could be coming to Seattle if the United States’ and Mexico’s joint bid for 2027 is accepted. Seattle is one of 11 U.S. cities (16 cities overall) included in the official bid book, presumably putting themselves in a strong position to be part of the official delegation if the bid is ultimately successful. The 11 U.S. cities are the same as those selected for the 2026 Men’s World Cup, while Queretáro and Léon were added to Mexico’s portion of the bid.
The U.S.-Mexico bid will be competing with one from Brazil and a joint bid from Belgium, the Netherlands and Germany for the other. The short timeline ahead would seemingly work in the U.S.-Mexico bid, dubbed “New Heights”, as not only will the infrastructure already be in place but most of the government entities will have also been recently vetted.
We are proposing a 2027 FIFA Women’s World Cup that would make use of some of the same world-class venues, sporting and transportation infrastructure, established government relationships and practiced security protocols being used in the FIFA World Cup in 2026. We will create a world-class on-field product and provide fans who travel to enjoy the greatest women’s sporting event of all time with a best-inclass fan experience at some of the world’s biggest and most iconic sporting venues.
The language for the individual cities is also lifted directly from the 2026 bid book, which likely explains why Sounders FC Center at Longacres is omitted. Magnuson Park, the University of Washington, Starfire and Genesee Playfields in Columbia City are listed as potential training sites.
If Seattle is ultimately chosen, it would likely ensure that the grass playing surface installed for the 2026 World Cup would remain at least one more season, presumably increasing the chances that it could become permanent.
By 2027, the Link Light Rail should also extend as far north as Lynnwood, east to Redmond and south to Federal Way. The Waterfront Park should also be completed by then, and will have just played host to the 2026 FanFest. Seattle Center is also listed as a potential location for FanFest activities, which may also include a rebuilt Memorial Stadium by then.