Seattle Sounders FC at LAFC: community player ratings form

With a 2-1 road loss to LAFC, the 2024 MLS season has begun for the Seattle Sounders. Seattle played well, but many of the issues that plagued their 2023 campaign cropped up again here. Granted, missing several starters down the spine of the team didn’t make things easy, and I never thought I’d say this, but the match would have benefitted from a PRO referee. As such, the Sounders (and their fans) can leave Southern California with their heads held high.

Here is a direct link to the form; we hope this allows everyone to submit a response.

Here’s the scale:
(Substitutes can be left blank if the player did not play enough to judge)
1 - not a pro (USL/NASL/MLS) quality performance
4 - average USL starter
6 - average MLS starter
9 - MLS All Star
10 - MLS MVP-quality performance
