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Seattle Sounders at Portland Timbers: community player ratings form

Rate your Sounders on their 1-0 loss to their rivals.

Last Updated
1 min read
Soobum Im / USA TODAY Sports

Seattle Sounders traveled to Portland over the weekend and did losing. Stefan Frei took a knee to the face in the opening minutes. Outside of those opening minutes, Seattle controlled the first half, winning about 50 corners and scoring off one of them, only to have the goal chalked off. The second half was more even and Portland scored a weird one in the 55th for the only goal of the match that counted.

Here is a direct link to the form; we hope this allows everyone to submit a response.

Here’s the scale:
(Substitutes can be left blank if the player did not play enough to judge)
1 - Not a pro quality performance
4 - Average USL Championship starter
6 - Average MLS starter
9 - MLS All Star
10 - MLS MVP-quality performance

