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Valkyratings: Discouraging Carolina edition

It sure feels better to rate a win.

Last Updated
11 min read
Mike Russell / Sounder at Heart

Don't let the narrative, the season's vibes, or how it took 97 minutes to get the reward fool you. The Reign hosted the North Carolina Courage in front of their second-largest standalone regular season crowd ever, and absolutely throttled them.

In front of her childhood hero, Emeri Adames' last gasp header to force an own-goal was the least the Reign deserved out of a match where they conceded virtually nothing, attacked consistently, and – behind strong performances by veterans and new faces alike – looked a very different side from the one that listlessly struggled through the opening months of the season.

Was the goal itself a bit lucky? Yeah, for fuckin' sure.

It was the one lucky bounce the Reign have lacked every single match prior to this, including at least half a dozen matches where they played well enough for a better result. Call it regressing to the mean if you like. Call it the soccer gods. Call it fate. Call it xDAWG.

Just don't apologize for it. Seize it, carry it forward, and rise up (the standings) like a leaping salmon.

And let's talk about a gosh dang hecking WIN for the first time in months!


Claudia Dickey – 6

The good. Asked to make three saves, Dickey made three saves. None of them were particularly threatening, but hey, you can only save the shots your opponent takes at you, and a clean sheet means a big chance for your team to take three points.

The bad. Claudia's distribution left something to be desired throughout the match. A series of questionable decisions (a misadventure at the edge of her own area, a short pass to a covered and pressured Ji So-yun, a very bad short pass directly to Olivia Wingate) between the 70th and 80th minutes could've been punished, but fortunately were not.

Going forward. We should be comfortable with Dickey in goal. She's quietly become one of the best keepers in the league. To paraphrase Sylvia Bullock, she's a bit of a risk-taker at times, but she consistently backs that risk-taking up with her quality.


Shae Holmes – 7

The good. Oh my god, she was an absolute one-woman wrecking crew. Six tackles won, three ground duels won, an aerial won, three interceptions. She, alone, won nearly as many challenges as the entire Courage side attempted, combined. The left side of the pitch had a force field constantly rejecting North Carolina's attacks, and that force field was named Shae Fuckin' Holmes.

The bad. Unfortunately, Shae's contributions in possession were not nearly as dynamic. She's a much (much, much) better defender than, say, Lily Woodham, but doesn't add nearly as much in the buildup.

Going forward. With Ryanne Brown out for the season, Woodham struggling defensively, and a bit of a logjam at CB, expect Holmes to get a lot of starting minutes at LB going forward.

Phoebe McClernon – 7

The good. The most active player on the ball for the Reign with 98 touches, Phoebe was tidy in possession, rarely misplacing a pass, and her usual stalwart self on defense. Two tackles won, two dribblers demolished, two interceptions, and nine recoveries all served their role in the Reign's team-wide destruction of every buildout the Courage attempted. North Carolina couldn't get a thing going down the middle, and when they tried to take the space on the flanks, well... see Holmes, Shae, above.

The bad. So there was definitely a stretch of nerve-y moments after the 70th minute, and McClernon could've provided more support to Dickey on a couple of them, but I'm nitpicking a very good, complete performance by a very good, complete centerback.

Going forward. McClernon is still the best CB on the roster. It's not even particularly close at this point.

Jordyn Bugg – 6

The good. Bugg's first league start was a fucking great one. She was clean and composed in possession, positionally sound defensively, and supported McClernon in keeping the middle a dead zone for North Carolina attacks with a crunching tackle and a you-shall-not-pass refusal of a dribbler. To top it all off, she showed some really promising nuance on her passing, even registering a key pass with a clever line-breaking delivery to Ji So-yun.

The bad. She didn't score a banger defender goal two minutes into her professional career. :(

Going forward. It's a big ask to step in as CB against North Carolina as an 18-year-old with approximately zero professional minutes. Bugg is real exciting.

Sofia Huerta – 6

The good. Credited with three key passes and five shot-creating actions, Sof once again put in a dynamic attacking performance up the flank. She was especially buzzing early, finding Bugg in the second minute, Ana-Maria Crnogorčević and then immediately after Ji So-yun in the 23rd, and Tziarra King in the 53rd. Helping with the team effort to keep North Carolina bottled and toothless, she dispossessed two dribblers, threw down three tackles, and had an interception of her own.

The bad. Huerta faded in impact as the match carried on, and did not register a progressive action in possession or a shot-creating action after the 60th minute. Also, the Curse remains.

Going forward. Surely, one of these matches full of beautiful deliveries will soon yield that elusive, singular assist she needs. Surely.


Jess Fishlock – 6 (off 74' for Jaelyn Howell)

The good. In front of McClernon and Bugg, Fishlock was a defensive menace herself. The Courage might see the Reign's defensive shape in their nightmares after this one, and Fish was everywhere, winning three tackles and two duels and constantly forcing them back before they could even challenge the back line. In a quieter offensive showing, she still found time to make the most dangerous pass of the game in a quick transition, setting up Tziarra King for a solid strike that required an exceptional Casey Murphy save to keep the Reign off the board.

The bad. Fishlock faded greatly in effectiveness after the 60th minute, misplaying several passes and just failing to get to others, and the sub for Jaelyn Howell probably should've come 10 minutes earlier than it did.

Going forward. Still an elite NWSL player in her 11th season, Fishlock does have more limitations than she used to, and the occasional early sub should help maximize her effectiveness.

Quinn – 7

The good. Add Quinn to the list of defenders making life miserable on the opposition, as they, too, were everywhere. Quinn threw down four tackles (winning two), stood up five dribblers, and generally demolished all hope until the courage of North Carolina's offense failed. A strong 90-minute performance got stronger as the night ticked on, as their chemistry with Jaelyn Howell was immediate and the pair combined repeatedly on defense and in buildup. It was Quinn who recycled the ball to set up Howell's blistering 78th minute shot, and it was Quinn covering for Howell's aggressive forays that helped to overwhelm the Courage defense late.

The bad. Quinn was beaten badly on an early transition that could've been dangerous (but wasn't), and a couple sloppy touches gave the Courage some faint glimmers of life in the middle third of the match. Faint, faint glimmers, that Quinn and others emphatically stamped out, of course.

Going forward. Fit, healthy, and throwing down, Quinn is finally once again looking like the 90-minute omnidirectional demolisher we've loved so well. A Quinn-Howell double pivot looks like a delicious possibility in the future.

Ji So-yun – 7 (off 89' for Olivia Athens)

The good. The new-look Reign have Ji looking revitalized and incisive again. Her six progressive passes and six shot-creating actions attest to a player who saw the space to create danger and did so repeatedly. A 23rd-minute back-heel flick struck the post, missing being a goal of the year candidate by an inch. A 52nd-minute shot from near the penalty spot was well-taken but needed better power or placement to beat Murphy. Particularly promising was her early, late, and constantly dangerous combination with Crnogorčević, as the two directly combined on four different chances.

The bad. An ill-advised 74th minute pass back to Claudia Dickey under pressure could've been disastrous, and an early transition opportunity came from Ji waiting for a foul call that was not forthcoming.

Going forward. This was much more of the Ji So-yun the Reign hoped for when they signed her. Players like Nerilia Mondésir and Crnogorčević add a very different dynamic to the Reign offense, which may be key to getting the best out of Ji as well.


Tziarra King – 5 (off 66' for Veronica Latsko)

The good. This was a messy performance from Zee, who struggled to get involved in play, gave up the ball too easily, misplayed a bunch of relatively easy passes, and also had the single best scoring chance of the night, stymied only by a very good Casey Murphy save. If she sinks that chance, this is probably a 7, despite the messiness. But at forward, more than at any other position, you have to sink that chance, especially if you're not contributing much elsewhere.

The bad. "...who struggled to get involved in play, gave up the ball too easily, misplayed a bunch of relatively easy passes, and..." I don't want to belabor it too much. It was a night of almost, but not enough from Tziarra.

Going forward. She's definitely taken strides since the start of the season, and is showing a lot more of what can make her special, but the consistency is still a problem for King. With a lot more attacking options, she'll likely remain a rotational starter, and she offers a different enough look from anyone else that she should continue to get minutes and opportunities to change games.

Jordyn Huitema – 5 (off 89' for Emeri Adames)

The good. Jordyn did decent work as a facilitator, combining with Huerta and Ji, setting up Veronica Latsko, and calling her own shot with a solid dribble (but leaving too little on the strike that followed), finding moments to pop up and be impactful while leading the attacking line.

The bad. Ultimately, Jordyn didn't do enough as either a direct attacking or facilitating option. She was present on the pitch for 89+ minutes, but did little to change the state of the match throughout.

Going forward. Jordyn's a strong, fast, technically capable player, but like King, she continues to struggle with consistency. Having a more consistent role as the center forward in an attacking band of three may help her find her form, though.

Ana-Maria Crnogorčević – 7 (off 75' for Nérilia Mondésir)

The good. Crnogorčević was by far the most active and impactful starting forward for the Reign, repeatedly combining with Ji, Huerta, Fishlock, King, and Huitema, keeping plays alive with her pressure and tenacity, and leading all players with 7 shot-creating actions. The best chance of the night started with her, and she was integral to three of the five next-best chances, as well.

The bad. She only managed one shot for herself, in the 23rd minute, and it wasn't a particularly dangerous one. But it's all small criticisms for a very strong effort.

Going forward. There was some underwhelmed grumbling about the AMC signing, but if she can play like this consistently, she could be the missing piece that elevates the rest of the offense for the Reign.


Veronica Latsko – 6 (on 66' for Tziarra King)

The good. Substitute Latsko brings the energy and the violence. It's what she does, and she does it well. Playing for 30ish minutes, she got herself involved with three good chances, and delivered the last-gasp ball that found Emeri Adames' fateful crown.

The bad. The energy doesn't always amount to effectiveness for Latsko, who – in a short runout as a substitute – was dispossessed more frequently than any other player for the Reign. With that said, losing the ball deep because you're running at the opponent and trying shit has value, too, and she still gave the opposition something new to think about, even when it wasn't clicking.

Going forward. This is Veronica's best role, and once again, she came on in the final third of a match and helped change the narrative.

Jaelin Howell – 6 (on 74' for Jess Fishlock)

The good. Howell immediately looked impactful, picking up where Fishlock had begun to fade and inserting the bite and give me that ball attitude back into the midfield, getting quickly stuck in and making it clear that the Courage would not have an easy route to run through in Jess' absence. Then, she did nothing but combine smartly with Quinn, Ji, and Latsko, getting forward aggressively and making sharp late runs to keep the Courage off balance. She also started the play that Adames (with an assist from Casey Murphy) finished three touches later.

The bad. She didn't score on that blistering strike. :(

Going forward. So welcome to Seattle, Howell, the trade was unexpected for all parties but what a way to introduce yourself. Looking forward to seeing more of Howell's play, especially paired with Quinn in the midfield.

Nérilia Mondésir – 5 (on 75' for Ana-Maria Crnogorčević)

The good. Mondésir's much-anticipated first minutes for the Reign were not necessarily barnburning, but they showed plenty to get excited about. She's crafty on the ball, good with her feet, showed great awareness of her teammates and chose the right pass consistently.

The bad. Not necessarily anything actually bad, but in her first appearance, she also didn't create much and wasn't as impactful as other attacking substitutes, and the chemistry with the rest of the team isn't there yet.

Going forward. Nérilia is going to be one to watch. Even in a short stint where she didn't break the game, she showed some real gasps of quality, and when she knows the team and the game plan a little better, she's going to burn some fools.

Emeri Adames – N/A (but it's a 10 in our hearts) (POTM) (on 89' for Jordyn Huitema)

The good. Fuck you Opta, it's a goal for Adames in our HEARTS and it's a goal for the VIBES.

...okay, yeah, it was an own goal by any reasonable definition, but Emeri Adames, on for stoppage time, once again tried shit for a team that needed somebody to try shit, and this time it made something big happen. And that celly brought tears to my eyes. <3

The bad. Emeri Adames continues to not get enough minutes.

Going forward. Give Emeri Adames more minutes.

Olivia Athens – N/A (on 89' for Ji So-yun)

The good. On for stoppage time, Athens kept possession capably in Ji's place, registering nine touches, two recoveries, and a tackle won as she helped keep up possession and keep up pressure while time ticked down.

The bad. I honestly don't have a single bad note. It was a short outing but she didn't put a foot wrong.

Going forward. It's a crowded midfield with a lot of capable players and not a lot of minutes to spare, but there's always going to be a place for Athens to cover, and she's very capable of doing so.


Greg Dopka – 6

The good. Dopka largely let the game flow and develop and let the players play. Nothing particularly controversial happened, and while the game was very physical, it was rarely dangerous or cynical, and Dopka wisely declined to be the main character.

The bad. Dopka probably let too much go, whistling only five fouls against the Reign and eight against the Courage in a match that saw the tackles and challenges positively flying. An early North Carolina counter started with an egregious yellow-card chopping-down that Dopka left uncalled. Fortunately, the Courage did nothing with it, so he's mostly off the hook for bottling the moment.

Going forward. Look, after some of the messes this season, all you have to do to get a decent rating here is show up and not egregiously fuck up. Congrats to Greg on clearing that bar.

Stray Thoughts

It's a small sample size, but the Reign's first transfer window under new ownership looks like an unequivocal win. The new players not only look good in their own right, they enable the team to play a game that better-utilizes their existing talents. We'll miss some of the old stalwarts, but that's sports.

And it's going to be a ton of fun watching Mondésir grow into this team and fucking ball out.

It's more fun to win games than to not win games. The Reign should try going on a long-ass winning streak to close the season. It's too late to win the Shield, but it's absolutely not too late to go on a tear and host in the playoffs.

WINLESS STREAK OVER. And join us again soon for a breakdown of the Reign's 3-2 double come from behind road win over Racing Louisville!

