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Talking Sounders’ stadium sites and U.S. Open Cup with Kelyn Rowe

To be clear, Kelyn JUST talks about joining Ballard FC!

Last Updated
3 min read

We have a bit of a packed show today. Jeremiah and Aaron, of course, discuss the Sounders’ recent loss to St. Louis City. It wasn’t so much the result that has them worried, but more what it might mean for the quality of play over the next month or so as the Sounders recover from injuries.

They also talk to Kelyn Rowe about his decision to join Ballard FC for their U.S. Open Cup run. Ballard will be playing Spokane Velocity tonight at InterBay Stadium.

Finally, they close with a new segment that they are tentatively calling “power rankings” in which they discuss a Sounders-related topic. This week, they’re ranking potential stadium sites, after the Sounders recently made clear they want to build their own facility.

Episode Image
Power-ranking potential Sounders stadium locations

fullpullwinesThis podcast was made possible through the support of Full Pull Wines, a boutique wines reseller that has been sponsoring Sounder at Heart since 2011. You can join their mailing list here.

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“Diversions” audio provided by Sounder at Heart subscriber Lars; find more of their music here.pod

